Customer Testimonials

Our customers in three states highly recommend us.

"Working with Cindy Bunch from Covalent has been a rewarding and pleasurable experience with staffing at our facility here in Missouri. We were impressed with how quickly she learned what we were about, what we were needing and then immediately went after it. Literally pounding the payment, passing out flyers etc. looking to find people to staff that met our criteria. You will find Covalent staffing agency professional & friendly and will go above and beyond to meet your needs." -Debbie Hill, Plant Manger

"It is such a pleasure working with Covalent Staffing. They are very professional in their business, but at the same time make you feel so comfortable, just like family. We have had tremendous success in staffing for us. They are there 24/7 for their customers and employees." -Sheila Walters, L.B. Mfg Division